MB-SR50N IW Unique in its design, the MB-SR50N IW system gives a fully integrated curtain wall option, that of an inward opening concealed vent. The external appearance of a fixed light is no different to that of a Tilturn vent. This system is available in three “finished look” options, including standard cap, flat 4mm pressure caps, and EFEKT system option silicone joint. MB-SR50N IW system accommodates glazing units from 24 mm up to 56 mm.
- Heat transfer coefficient: Uf from 1,68 W/(m2K)
- Air permeability: AE1200, EN 12153
- Watertightness: RE1200, EN 12154
- Wind load resistance: 2400Pa, EN 13116
- Impact resistance: E5/15
- Acoustic insulation: Rw=42 dB (depending on the infill material)
- Unique ref.MB-SR50N_IW_Inward_opening_window
- Product familyFaçade systems
- Product groupMB-SR50N Mullion-transom curtain walls
- TypeObject (single object)
- Date of publishing2020-12-18
- Edition number1
- Material mainAluminium
- Material secondaryGlass
- Designed inPoland
- Manufactured inPoland
- IFC classificationWindow
- UNSPSC nameWindows
- UNSPSC code301716
- Uniclass 2015 CodeEF_25_30
- Uniclass 2015 DescriptionDoors and windows
- CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code08 44 13
- CSI MasterFormat 2014 TitleGlazed Aluminum Curtain Walls
- OmniClass Number23-17 13 00
- OmniClass TitleWindows

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